Are You In Compliance?
Avoiding a Hack Attack
smartphones have revolutionized communication, the way we pay our bills, shop for products, socialize and conduct business. Between what we do on our smartphones and countless emails received, we are all susceptible to the bad guys and their clever means to deceive us and steal our business or personal information.
There has to be a cultural shift with regard to the importance for enhanced security practices,” said Rob Slaughter, Chief Executive Officer of Data Net. “Some of you may be saying, my business is not required to follow any compliance guidelines, but many subcontractors and supply chain companies are actually unaware that, in order to participate in work for other companies doing government projects, they must also adhere to the same compliance standards.
In addition to the information technology (IT) support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting that the company provides to small and mediumsized businesses, Data Net is constantly leveraging new software platforms and technologies while keeping pace with changing regulations. The ever changing landscape in network security and compliance requirements led Data Net to spend the past 12 months investing in additional resources and new technologies to protect against cyber-attacks and data breaches.