Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

The Cost of Complacency: Cybersecurity Isn't Just a Checkbox


Welcome to the digital age, where treating cybersecurity as a mere formality is like leaving your car keys in the ignition downtown. In this era, a complacent attitude towards cybersecurity can be more costly than you might imagine. It's not just about being smart; it's about being vigilant and proactive in a world where digital threats are as common as coffee shops.

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Breaking Down NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework

Breaking Down NIST’s Cybersecurity Framework

Today’s businesses need an established cybersecurity strategy. It’s as simple as that.

However, many businesses need guidance to create this strategy, which is why the National Institute of Standards and Technology has developed a framework for proper cybersecurity protection. Let’s walk through this framework and discuss what you need to do to meet its requirements.

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Cybersecurity on the Go: Protecting Mobile Devices


In today's fast-paced construction world, mobile devices are as essential as a trusty hammer and hard hat. They keep us connected, help manage projects, and store critical data. But just like a tool belt keeps your tools safe, your mobile devices need protection too. Let's dive into the world of mobile cybersecurity, where safeguarding your digital tools is as important as locking up the job site at the end of the day.

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Navigating the Legal Landscape: Compliance and Consequences


Welcome to the less talked about, yet critically important world of legal compliance in cybersecurity. Today, we're not just focusing on the technicalities of keeping your data safe; we're diving into the legal ramifications of what happens when cybersecurity is treated as an afterthought. This is about understanding the legal landscape, where non-compliance and misrepresentation can lead to more than just a slap on the wrist. Let's navigate these waters together, ensuring your business stays on the right side of the law.

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Everything You Need to Know About Pig Butchering Scams

Everything You Need to Know About Pig Butchering Scams

Problems with cybersecurity can really sink your business. Unfortunately, more opportunists are out there today looking to profit off of business’ lack of vigilance. One example of this are large-scale scam operations that have been running in Southeast Asia, and they are now spreading to other parts of the world. These scams, called "pig butchering" scams, have caused major harm, with around $75 billion lost worldwide in 2023.

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The Human Factor: Training Your Team for Cybersecurity Success


Welcome to the human side of cybersecurity! Today, we're not talking about fancy algorithms or high-tech firewalls. Instead, we're focusing on the most crucial element in your cybersecurity arsenal – your team. Just like a sports coach hones the skills of their athletes, it's vital to train your team in the art of cyber defense. So, let's dive into why employee training isn't just a nice-to-have, but a must-have in your cybersecurity playbook.

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Cyber Hygiene: Retain Your SMB's IT Compliance


Today, we're rolling up our sleeves and diving into the world of cyber hygiene. Just like you wouldn't leave your house without brushing your teeth (hopefully!), you shouldn't navigate the digital world without basic cybersecurity practices. In our series, we’ve been focused on small and medium-sized businesses, especially those in the construction industry, but this applies to just about every organization. It's all about keeping your digital environment as sparkling clean as your kitchen counter. So, let's get into the nitty-gritty of cyber hygiene and why it's as essential as your morning shower.

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CMMC 2.0: The Three Levels of IT Compliance for DoD SMBs


Hello, DoD contractors and cybersecurity enthusiasts! Today, we're diving into the world of CMMC 2.0, the updated version of the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification. Gone are the days of five levels of complexity; CMMC 2.0 simplifies things down to three levels. It's like going from a confusing remote with too many buttons to a sleek, three-button interface. Let's break down these levels in a way that's as straightforward as your favorite morning routine.

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The Cybersecurity Toolbox: Essential Tools for DoD Compliance


Today, we're diving into the toolbox of cybersecurity – a place where digital hammers meet virtual nails. If you're a DoD contractor, especially in the construction sector, this is where you'll find the essential tools and practices to not only comply with regulations but also to fortify your digital fortress. So, grab your digital tool belt, and let's explore the tools that will keep your business safe and compliant.

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Starting Your Cybersecurity Journey: The ABCs of CMMC for DoD SMBs


Welcome to the world of cybersecurity, where the only constant is change, and the only sure defense is staying informed and prepared. If you're a Small and Medium-sized Business (SMB) in the construction sector working with the Department of Defense (DoD), you've probably heard about the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). But what is it exactly, and why is it as important as that morning cup of coffee for your business? Let's break it down in a way that won't require a cybersecurity dictionary.

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Sextortion Scams are on the Rise with Extra Creepy Behavior

Sextortion Scams are on the Rise with Extra Creepy Behavior

Sextortion scams are far from glamorous. These attacks involve a scammer claiming to have compromising photos or videos of their target engaged in explicit activities—often suggesting this footage was captured through their online behavior. The scammer then threatens to release this material unless a ransom is paid.

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A 10-Month Breach Provides 1.7 Million Reminders to Prioritize Security

A 10-Month Breach Provides 1.7 Million Reminders to Prioritize Security

It was recently disclosed that Slim CD, a payment gateway, suffered a data breach that exposed many, many credit card accounts (nearly 1.7 million) from August 17th, 2023, until June 15th, 2024.

Let’s discuss the situation and how it provides a lesson for your business to take seriously.

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To Safely Store Passwords, Use a Centralized Password Manager

To Safely Store Passwords, Use a Centralized Password Manager

In this blog and our conversations with clients, we frequently discuss the importance of protecting accounts with complex and unique passwords and multi-factor authentication. These actions are crucial, but there is a tool out there that can really improve any business’ account security: the password manager. 

Today, we’ll discuss the password manager and why it is such a great tool for keeping passwords complex and secure. 

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The NSA’s Guidelines on Mobile Security

The NSA’s Guidelines on Mobile Security

The United States National Security Agency, or NSA, is well known for its expertise in cybersecurity. So, when the NSA releases practices to help keep mobile devices more secure, it's smart to pay attention to what it says.

Let’s examine a few of their shared practices and see what we can learn.

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6 Essential Tools for Your Business’ Protection

6 Essential Tools for Your Business’ Protection

Cybersecurity tops the list for any business’ needs, particularly when one considers just how many threats are out there today. This makes it essential that today’s businesses (yours included) put an assortment of cybersecurity tools and protections in place.

We’ve assembled a list of the ones we recommend.

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ALERT: Every Social Security Number Stolen by Hackers

ALERT: Every Social Security Number Stolen by Hackers

We’re still getting more information on this, but at the time of writing this, every American can assume that their social security number has been stolen. Let’s share what we know so far.

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Make Complex, Unique Passwords You Can Actually Remember By Using Passphrases

Make Complex, Unique Passwords You Can Actually Remember By Using Passphrases

Strong passwords are extremely important these days. Cybercriminals only need low-end hardware to crack millions of passwords at once, so it's critical to use random, complex strings of characters.

The bigger problem most users have is using unique passwords for each and every account. Any account is liable to be compromised at any given time, and you might not even know about it. If your password is compromised, the bad guys can use it to access all of your other accounts.

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If You Aren’t Protecting Your Data, You’re Making a Mistake

If You Aren’t Protecting Your Data, You’re Making a Mistake

Modern companies (yours included) should never function without strong cybersecurity measures. This is a stance we will stress at every chance. 

Let's delve into the importance of security and the steps you should implement to protect your business.

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These Passwords Will Put Your Business at Risk

These Passwords Will Put Your Business at Risk

No one actually likes to talk about password security, but it’s incredibly important to the ongoing security of your business. If you or any of your employees are using any of these commonly used passwords, then read on; you’re someone who desperately needs to reconsider their password policies.

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Why You Need to Have Compliant IT, Regardless of Your Industry

Why You Need to Have Compliant IT, Regardless of Your Industry

Whether or not most of your business understands why they must remain compliant to various rules and regulations, it is crucial that your entire team does so. Let’s look at what contributes to your compliance as a way to conceptualize just how important it is to maintain.

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You may remember the hubbub and hullabaloo that ensued when Josh Allen, a digital artist, won first place at the 2022 Colorado State Fair’s Fine Arts Competition in the Digital Arts/Digitally Manipulated Photography contest with an image—"Théâtre D...

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San Diego, California 92101