Data Net Blog

Data Net Blog

Data Net has been serving the California area since 1983, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

The Massive Benefits of VoIP Can Complete Your Business' Communications Platform

The Massive Benefits of VoIP Can Complete Your Business' Communications Platform

For years, traditional telephone systems have been a cornerstone of office communication. However, many companies have yet to update their phone systems to match the evolving needs of the modern workplace. Today, we explore how Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is revolutionizing business telephone systems.

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Small Businesses Should Fully Leverage the Cloud for Software

Small Businesses Should Fully Leverage the Cloud for Software

In order to survive in today’s business world, your organization needs to be adaptable and flexible to new situations. You might have to take on the persona of a bookkeeper, HR, and other important roles for your business. You can add “IT decision maker” to that list, as 95% of small businesses in the US utilize some kind of computing to keep the business running smoothly.

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Using Hosted Services Can Save You a Buck or Two

Using Hosted Services Can Save You a Buck or Two

The cloud helps businesses of all industries be more efficient with their operations, including on the financial side. Today, we want to explore three major ways your business can save money by switching to the cloud and making it a central component of its operational structure.

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Why We Tend to Recommend Cloud Services as IT Professionals


The cloud has made quite a splash, even in our everyday lives. Think about it: how else would all those streaming services work, if it wasn’t for the cloud? Entertainment at our fingertips aside, we’re big fans of cloud services for business purposes, and there are a few very good reasons for that.

Six, to be specific.

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3 steps you can take to protect your data in the Cloud


Moving to the Cloud offers tremendous benefits for SMBs that range from lower IT costs to any-time access to data and certainly more reliability in terms of uptime. But, data in the Cloud is also vulnerable to security threats just like the data stored on physical servers. This blog discusses 3 things you can do to protect your data in the Cloud

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Three of the Best SaaS Applications for Small Businesses


When it comes to getting the most value out of your business’ software infrastructure, it’s hard to argue with Software as a Service (SaaS). In fact, there are many solutions that are fueled by SaaS that power some of the world’s most lucrative companies. Let’s look at some examples of SaaS applications that can help even a small business revolutionize operations to save time and earn more profits simultaneously.

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Tip of the Week: Editing PDFs with Your Cloud Productivity Suites

Tip of the Week: Editing PDFs with Your Cloud Productivity Suites

PDFs, or Portable Document Format files, are something many people come across in the course of doing business. Not everyone knows all the cool stuff you can do with them, like changing things in them. This week, we'll talk about some simple ways to make and edit a PDF file.

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Two Technologies that Can Help Your Business Evolve

Two Technologies that Can Help Your Business Evolve

Evolving considerations are definitely a major part of doing business. A decision made a year or even a quarter in the past might not be right for your business today. When trying to establish a technology profile that is right for your business, it can be difficult to nail down exactly what solutions allow you to improve overall efficiency while supporting organizational productivity. In today’s blog, we try to give a couple of tips for when to establish when it is time to shift gears and consider new tech.

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Cloud Computing Significantly Improves the Mobile Business

Cloud Computing Significantly Improves the Mobile Business

If you are a frequent reader of this blog, you know we talk a lot about the cloud and its benefits. Cloud computing plays a crucial role in enhancing mobile productivity by providing various services and features that empower users to access, collaborate, and perform tasks efficiently. Here are three ways in which the cloud contributes to mobile productivity.

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The Cloud at Your Service

The Cloud at Your Service

Cloud options provide small businesses with the flexibility and scalability they need to compete in an ever-evolving market. In this blog post, we will explore the various cloud options available for small businesses and how they can leverage these platforms to drive success.

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Stars of the show: Cloud and VOIP


Despite annoying challenges presented by the abrupt shift to the WFH model thanks to the pandemic, there were some tech heroes that saved the day. These two made WFH possible.

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The Cloud Plays a Huge Role In Entertainment

The Cloud Plays a Huge Role In Entertainment

TV shows and movies captivate people of all ages, walks of life, and socio-economic backgrounds. They can put viewers in places in time and situations that they could only dream about. Like many things in our society, there are varying roles that technology plays in the entertainment industry. Let’s take a look at the role technology plays in the creation of the entertainment that we enjoy every day.

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Will Your Business Use Google’s New Custom Building Blocks Feature?

Will Your Business Use Google’s New Custom Building Blocks Feature?

Google is always striving to improve its Workspace platform, the business-driven productivity suite for companies. One new tool that could change the way organizations operate is custom building blocks, which add a whole new layer of depth… for schools and businesses, anyway.

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Stars of the show: Cloud and VOIP


Despite annoying challenges presented by the abrupt shift to the WFH model thanks to the pandemic, there were some tech heroes that saved the day. These two made WFH possible.

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Strategies to Help You Secure the Data You Have in the Cloud

Strategies to Help You Secure the Data You Have in the Cloud

Most businesses leverage the cloud in at least some capacity, whether cloud-based apps or cloud-based infrastructure. In any case, using the cloud comes with inherent security questions that must be addressed during the planning, implementation, and launch phases of any solution. Let’s go over some of the ways you might protect data and applications stored in the cloud.

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Give Your Business a Leg Up with These 4 Technology Practices

Give Your Business a Leg Up with These 4 Technology Practices

Technology has become a fundamental need for businesses of all sizes, with even small businesses needing to seek out options to cover their shifting needs. Fortunately, this technology has also become more reliable and readily available…and as a result, small businesses have more opportunities than ever to give their operations a welcome boost.

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Cloud Computing May Be the Answer to Your Technology Problems

Cloud Computing May Be the Answer to Your Technology Problems

Cloud-hosted computing has been around for quite some time, but it has never been as accessible as it is today.  It is now a commonly used resource for almost any type of business. In fact, the growth of cloud-based computing suggests that we are staring at a cloud-hosted future. Today, we wanted to discuss the cloud and how it has become the go-to solution for growing businesses. 

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3 steps you can take to protect your data in the Cloud

3 steps you can take to protect your data in the Cloud

Moving to the Cloud offers tremendous benefits for SMBs that range from lower IT costs to any-time access to data and certainly more reliability in terms of uptime. But, data in the Cloud is also vulnerable to security threats just like the data stored on physical servers. This blog discusses 3 things you can do to protect your data in the Cloud

Secure access: The first step would be to secure access to your data in the Cloud. So, how do you go about it? Safeguard your login credentials-your User IDs and passwords-from prying eye. Set strong password policies that are practiced across the board and educate your employees about good password hygiene. Also, do you have employees using their own devices to access their work-related applications and documents? Do you have staff working from home? Then, you also need to formulate strong BYOD (Bring-your-own-device) policies, so these devices don’t end up as the entry point to cybercriminals.

Educate your employees: What’s the first thing that pops into your head when someone talks about cybercrime? You probably picture some unknown person, a tech-whiz sitting behind a computer in a dark room, trying to steal your data. But, surprising as it may seem, the first and probably the biggest threat to your data and IT security in general, comes from your employees! Malicious employees may do you harm on purpose by stealing or destroying your data, but oftentimes, employees unwittingly become accomplices to cybercrime. For example, forwarding an email with an attachment that contains a virus, or clicking on a phishing link unknowingly and entering sensitive information therein or compromising on security when they share passwords or connect to an unsecured or open WiFi at public places such as the mall or the airport with a view to “get things done”, but, without realizing how disastrous the implications of such actions can be.

Choosing the right Cloud service provider: If you are putting your data in the Cloud, you need to make sure that it is in safe hands. As such, it is your Cloud service provider’s responsibility to ensure your data is secure and, accessible, always. But, are they doing all that is needed to ensure this happens? It is very important to choose a trustworthy Cloud service provider because you are essentially handing over all your data to them. So, apart from strengthening your defenses, you need to check how well-prepared they are to avert the threats posed by cybercriminals.

Complete Cloud security is a blend of all these plus internal policies, best practices, and regulations related to IT security, and of course, the MSP you choose to be your Cloud security provider plays a key role in all this.

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Is the Cloud really risk-free?

Is the Cloud really risk free


The Cloud presents plenty of benefits that make it a very attractive choice, especially for SMBs who don’t want to be burdened with higher in-house IT costs, putting your data in the Cloud is not risk-free. Just as storing data on physical servers has its security threats, the Cloud presents certain security concerns as well. These include

  • Data breach: A data breach is when your data is accessed by someone who is not authorized to do so.
  • Data loss: A data loss is a situation where your data in the Cloud is destroyed due to certain circumstances such as technological failure or neglect during any stage of data processing or storage.
  • Account hijacking: Like traditional servers, data in the Cloud could be stolen through account hijacking as well. In fact, Cloud account hijacking is predominantly deployed in cybercrimes that require entail identity thefts and wrongful impersonation.
  • Service traffic hijacking: In a service traffic hijacking, your attacker first gains access to your credentials, uses it to understand the online activities that happen in your domain and then uses the information to mislead your users or domain visitors to malicious sites.
  • Insecure application program interfaces (APIs): Sometimes, Cloud APIs, when opened up to third parties, can be a huge security threat. If the API keys are not properly secured, it can serve as an entry point for cybercriminals and malicious elements.
  • Poor choice of Cloud storage providers: A security lapse from the Cloud storage provider’s end is a huge security concern for businesses. It is very important to choose a trusted and experienced Cloud service provider who knows what they are doing.

Apart from the above, there are some common threats that apply to both the Cloud and traditional data storage environments such as a DDoS attack, or a malware attack where your data in the Cloud becomes susceptible because it is being shared with others and at other places.


Some Cloud security mechanisms that SMBs can invest in to keep their data safe


Cloud firewalls: Much like the firewalls you deploy for your local IT network, Cloud firewalls work to prevent unauthorized Cloud network access.

Penetration testing: Penetration testing is a sort of a Cloud security check where IT experts try hacking into the Cloud network to figure out if there are any security lapses or vulnerabilities that could serve cybercriminals.

Obfuscation: In obfuscation, the data or program code is obscured on purpose such that the system delivers unclear code to anyone other than the original programmer, thus mitigating any malicious activity.

Tokenization: Tokenization is the process of replacing sensitive data with unique identification symbols that retain all the essential information about the data without compromising its security.

Virtual Private Networks (VPN): Another, more commonly used mechanism is the VPN. VPN creates a safe passage for data over the Cloud through end-to-end encryption methodology.


Investing in a good Cloud security system is a must, but, in the end, you also need to remember that Cloud security is not only about antivirus software, firewalls, and other anti-malware tools. You need to pick the right MSP and work closely with them to implement a Cloud security solution that works for you.

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Things to consider before switching to the Cloud

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More and more businesses are switching to the Cloud to store their data and rightly so. The Cloud offers numerous benefits over the traditional, physical on site server. For example,


  • Anytime, anywhere access to your data: Information in the Cloud can be accessed from anywhere using an internet connection, unlike in the case of traditional servers, where you need a physical connection to the servers.
  • Significant cost savings: You cut hardware costs, because the Cloud follows a ‘pay-as-you-use’ approach to data storage.
  • SaaS compatibility and support: The Cloud allows the use of Software-as-a-Service since the software can be hosted in the Cloud.
  • Scalability: The Cloud lets you scale up and down as your business needs change.
  • 24/7 monitoring, support, and greater access reliability: When your data is in the Cloud, the Cloud service provider is responsible for keeping it safe and ensuring it is securely accessible at all times. They monitor the Cloud’s performance and in the event of any performance issues, they provide immediate tech support to resolve the problem.


Your big Cloud move: What to consider


If you are considering moving to the Cloud, you will find it helpful to sign-up with an MSP who is well-versed with the Cloud. They can advise you on the benefits and risks of the Cloud and also offer the Cloud solution that’s right for you. In any case, before you migrate to the Cloud, make sure you are dealing with a reputed Cloud service provider who has strong data security measures in place. You can even explicitly ask them what security mechanisms they have invested in to manage data access and security.

Yes, moving to the Cloud has it benefits, but it also has its challenges including security risks. Learn more in our next blog, “Is the Cloud really risk-free?”

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